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Reddit mentions of Lumisource LS-MIR MADNESS Energy Saving Mirror Disco Ball Strobe

Sentiment score: 1
Reddit mentions: 1

We found 1 Reddit mentions of Lumisource LS-MIR MADNESS Energy Saving Mirror Disco Ball Strobe. Here are the top ones.

Lumisource LS-MIR MADNESS Energy Saving Mirror Disco Ball Strobe
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  • Multi Color LEDs
  • Start any party right with Disco Fever
  • Power adapter included
Height9.5 Inches
Length10 Inches
Number of items1
Weight1 Pounds
Width5 Inches

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Found 1 comment on Lumisource LS-MIR MADNESS Energy Saving Mirror Disco Ball Strobe:

u/Darth_Morrissey ยท 1 pointr/Disco

I agree on the mirror balls. Mirror balls are classy whereas a lot of the effects I see these days strike me as rather tacky or, if you are six years old, awesome. In the US you can get 8" mirror balls shipped for less than $10. Of course then you need some way to hang, rotate and illuminate them so there is the added cost of the motor mounts, lights and dilemma of how/where to hang them. Depending on how crafty/cheap you are you might possibly arrange something with multiple 8"-10" mirror balls, some clothesline and some borrowed LED bicycle headlights. A simpler solution might be multiple tabletop mirror balls: http://www.amazon.com/Lumisource-LS-MIR-MADNESS-Energy-Saving/dp/B0045CXY3E/ref=pd_sbs_indust_1

Also, consider a cheap fog machine: http://www.amazon.com/Eliminator-Lighting-Machines-EF-400-Machine/dp/B0006M59M6
Fog machines turn cheap lighting effects into pretty cool lighting effects.

FYI, virtually every effect made by American DJ and Chauvet have somebody demonstrating it on Youtube.