Best products from r/Denmark

We found 27 comments on r/Denmark discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 212 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the top 20.

Top comments mentioning products on r/Denmark:

u/lollycaustic · 13 pointsr/Denmark

As a fellow New Zealander currently living in Copenhagen, welcome!

My first recommendation would be to not make the New Zealand/Old Zealand joke, e.g., Yeah I'm from New Zealand, I thought I'd see what Old Zealand was like... Danes do not find it funny. Also, everyone will think you are from Australia, so that's something to get used to.

Misc. Helpful Info

  • Buy a 10-trip Klippekort at the airport. You can use this on all public transport. It will cost you 2 clips to get into the city from the airport and take about 15 minutes if you take the Metro (a bit more if you take the S-train). If your trip stays within zones 1 and 2, then you can clip your card once and travel as much as you like for an hour from when you "clip the ticket."

  • Get a map of the city from the OPENhagen tourist office opposide Tivoli or from the DSB office at Nørreport station.

  • Entry-level wages are very high in Denmark, about £11/hour, so anything with a service costs a lot. That's why everything is a bit more expensive in Denmark. As a result, you can find a beer for 30 DKK, but a coffee might cost you 35 DKK, because handing you a beer doesn't involve a lot of labour, but making a latte does.

  • For addresses, the street numbers come after the street name. So, Fælledvej 7 means #7 on Fælledvej.

  • Getting a bike is something that goes without saying. You can get a relatively cheap bicycle (approximately 700 DKK) from the police bicycle auctions. Info here:

  • There is a huge difference between prices in supermarkets. Netto, Fakta, Lidl & Aldi are cheap but have a limited selection (Think small-scale Pak 'N Save). Irma, Super Brugsen, Føtex, and Kvickly are dearer but typically have better selections (Think small scale New World). If you want out of the ordinary things (i.e., not European foods), then you can usually get these at the small grocers stores, which tend to be run by ethnic minorities.


  • Don't be afraid to ask people to speak English, because everybody speaks it. Ironically, English is the lingua franca of Europe.

  • However, language lessons are a important and are FREE to you because you aren't from Europe. They're also a good place to meet people. As you will have already discovered, pronunciation is very difficult, but the grammar isn't. If you're planning on staying for two years, I'd recommend either of these places:

  • I'd recommend the Xenophobes Guide to the Danes. It's short but insightful and explains a lot:
  • Hygge is an important concept in Danish life. It roughly translates to 'cosiness', but also includes notions of being free from stress. It often involves lighting candles too.
  • Clothing style in Copenhagen is casual but tidy. Modest but relatively urbane and stylish clothing, e.g.:
  • This sort of thing is considered funny:
  • Danes don't do small talk. Never ask a Dane 'How are you?' or 'How's it going?' casually, unless you really want to know how they are.
  • Take your shoes off before entering someone's house. You'll understand why in winter when it snows.
  • Danes can be very defensive about Denmark, so tread carefully if you are thinking of saying something critical about the country, the culture, or their welfare state.

    Cool Streets/Areas/Going out

  • Nørrebro and Vesterbro are the cooler boroughs of the city. Frederiksberg is the wealthiest, followed by Østerbro, and so both are relatively quiet as a result. There are some cool parts of the inner city and Christianshavn. Amagerbro is OK because it is close to the city center and the beach, but doesn't offer much else.
  • Elmegade, off Nørrebrogade in Nørrebro. The coolest street in a traditionally immigrant area that more recently has been populated with hip young people, streetwear stores and cool cafes. Elmegade also has some good bars too, so head there if you want to go out earlier in the evening. Nørrebro places are a bit more chill. Gefährlich at Fælledvej 7, the street parallel to Elmegade, is nice.
  • Jæggersborggade in Nørrebro is an innovative community rejuvenation project by the residents of the street where they decided to lively up their neighbourhood by opening stores, cafes and restaurants in the basements of the formerly residential street. It’s a great example of how Copenhageners are innovators in their use of space, putting to use buildings that were designed for one purpose for something else.
  • Istegade in Vesterbro. The main street of a traditionally working class area that some time ago was populated with hip young people and now has hip young parents, streetwear stores and cool cafes. You'll find Kødbyen, which locals call the Meat Packing District, close to Istegade in Vesterbro. There are loads of bars and clubs there too. Jolene and Karriere are some of the favourites there. Head here late in the evening to dance to minimal techno until the early morning.
u/flossettosset · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Fik en pæn skjorte

Lidt udstyr til mine Philips Hue lamper.

En fleecetrøje og merinould t-shirt(skal trekke i Canada+Alaska næste år)

Parfumer(køber aldrig selv, får en til jul jeg bruger i løbet af året)

4 bøger:

u/mistyriver · 5 pointsr/Denmark

Those are some excellent resources. Thanks for spending a few minutes gathering them together for me. You're very kind.

Yes, I agree. Reading is fundamentally important for an advanced learner of the language so that she can get all the vocabulary down. I wouldn't want to start on those texts you recommend as a beginner, however, before I have gotten a fairly good handle on pronunciation and accent. I want to be able to say the words in my mind accurately. One thing I've learned about working on a new skill: practice only helps if you practice it right! I'll have to check out Librivox, though. That sounds like a gold mine. I remember discovering audio recordings of Michael Ende's books at the high school library when I was in Deutschland. That was a fun break from my schoolwork.

Have you had any experience with the Hippocrene series of books? From the reviews, it looks as if this might be the best text on offer at Amazon. It's not a phrasebook system, but instead apparently offers the beginner a comprehensive introduction to grammar, basic vocabulary and such things.

u/ApostleTheLegend · 3 pointsr/Denmark

En god bog kunne være The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, hvor bogen omhandler Marc Rich som var kendt for at stifte det største råvarer handlede firma på hans tid, som senere blevet til Glencore(en af de største multinationale firmaer i verden). Bogen omhandler både hans forretning, men også hans personlige historie. Alt i alt en meget god bog


På et tidspunkt i bogen spørger forfatteren Marc Rich om, han har moralske svært omkring handlede med verdens diktatorer, hvor han svarer "If you are too proud, you don't do business."

u/CrankyCopenhager · 45 pointsr/Denmark

I'm an American who lives here...

When you're in downtown, everyone is young and super-fit and beautiful. Out in the suburbs people look more average - and I see a lot more overweight people than I expected to.

No one will treat you badly, though expect super-bluntness. Take a look at The Xenophobe's Guide to the Danes - it's really funny and quite true based on my experiences so far.

If you want to be healthier, this is THE place to do it. Regular life will make you more fit. If you've never been an expat before, you need to read up on it. I can PM you some things if you take the job. But I will say - Copenhagen is not to be missed. Take the job. You won't regret it.

By the way, we're having an amazingly warm winter.:-)

edit: added link to book

u/Thehunterforce · 1 pointr/Denmark

3 spørgsmål:

  • Hvor kendt er du i et køkken.

  • Har du nogle preferencer til hvilket køkken (hvilke lande) du vil have kogebøger om?

  • Er der noget loft for hvad du vil give?

    For mig, der er den vigtigste bog at have, når vi snakker kogebøger, det er Kokkebogen. Det er en bog med alle de gode gamle klassiske retter i dansk køkken samt klassisker fra rundt omkring i Europa. Dertil får du alt den viden, som du har brug for, omkring alle dyr, udskæringer, køkkengrej og værktøj osv osv. Min gamle kokkelære på hotel og restaurations skolen sagde, at man med denne ene bog, kunne åbne en restaurant.

    God mad, let at lave er også en rigtig god bog. Den er fyldt med masser af fantastiske opskrifter, som er skide god, hvis man ikke gider lange og besværlige processer.

    Sølv Skeen Er den italienske udgave af vores kokkebog, bare uden alle de tekniske begreber. Jeg tror der er også 1000 opskrifter i denne bog (den er kæmpe. Min udgave har ødelagt et tørrestativ.)

    Frøken Jensens kogebog er en gammel klassisker, og en hver kok med respekt for sig selv, har sådan en i sit køkken.

    Jorden rundt på 80 retter er en lidt ukendt en til samlingen. Jeg synes personligt at den er skide god, fordi der er retter og inspiration at hente, som man normalt ikke ville falde over.

    Men igen, så handler det jo meget om, hvad du gerne vil have. Du kan også hente inspiration på youtube, hvor Gordon Ramsay har sine Ultimate cooking course, som er en rigtig god madserie ( men det er fyldt med foodporn dog).
u/Glutenfrit · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Remember to read "Helen Russell - The year of living danishly"

Great and funny book and it might help you to calm your nerves about moving to DK.

u/tvshopceo · 4 pointsr/Denmark

Buy him some black liquorice candy. You'll probably not want to taste it, but he'll hopefully love it. You could also look into other food items that are hard to get in Canada.

u/de_Silentio · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Hvis du er interesseret i stoicisme, så kan du jo prøve at gå tilbage til stoikerne selv! Jeg ved ikke med danske oversættelser, men på engelsk har Penguin udgivet nogle fine billigbøger i serien Great Ideas: Senecas On the Shortness of Life og Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Det er i hvert fald to hurtige bøger at komme igennem, og så er det altid mere sjovt at læse noget fra kilden i stedet for nogen, der gengiver det - synes jeg i hvert fald :)

u/Sartanen · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Det er stadig et meget nyt og uudforsket felt, men der er enkelte der studere feltet. Lige umiddelbart kender jeg to antropologiske værker der beskæftiger sig med WoW: Leet Noobs og My Life as a Night Elf Priest, til dem der måtte være interesserede :)

u/larsgj · 2 pointsr/Denmark

We've had that nuance one. It's nowhere near the quality of the professional one. It breaks the string all the time. Best cheese slicer I've ever tried for medium hard cheeses is the Westmark. And I've been through many 😀

u/twentyfivebutts · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Nope - still in Oz. I've been mostly using this book - the Colloquial series are REALLY good for language learning. I've used them before for other languages and they're really well laid out, they get you speaking straight away and teach you the grammar/more vocab as you go, plus it has cds of course for pronunciation. Would highly recommend it if you're looking to learn dansk. On top of that I've just been reading/translating news articles, learning bits from my girlfriend, and watching The Killing.

u/vljl · 9 pointsr/Denmark

Du henviser i dit indlæg til begrebet grøn vækst ti gange, på trods af at Dragsted slet ikke nævner det. Han forsøger netop at gøre op med ideen om vækst som et mål i sig selv, f.eks. ved at foreslå, at højere produktivitet fører til nedsat arbejdstid frem for lønstigninger.

Idéen om, at vi kan have fortsat økonomisk vækst mens vi reducerer vores belastning på miljøet, forekommer mere og mere utopisk. Tim Jackson skrev en udmærket bog med udgangspunkt i debatten om relativ vs. absolut decoupling for snart ti år siden, og senest har tyske forskere endnu engang afvist hypotesen om grøn vækst gennem forskellige modelfremskrivninger

Edit: Fandt en god forklaring på relativ vs. absolut afkobling på

  • ’Relativ afkobling’ er mulig, fordi BNP ofte vokser relativt mere end miljøproblemer - pga. øget effektivitet.

  • Det giver dog ikke anledning til ’absolut afkobling’, hvor miljøproblemerne falder, mens BNP stiger.

  • Det skyldes ’Rebound-effekten’: øget effektivitet giver ofte øget forbrug. En bil, der kan køre længere pr. liter kører man ofte mere i, fordi det er billigere.
u/PorreKaj · 3 pointsr/Denmark

Hey Xorp! alles gut?

Under Armour Performance Polo er min fallback når jeg ikke magter at stryge en skjorte.

De krøller ikke og kraven holder sig super fin, men er dog syntetiske.

Pas på med de lyse farver - den grå (true heather) for eksempel er mere sølv end andet.
Med mine små 90kg fordelt på 185cm passer L fint, stadig med plads til hvis det skal hukkes 3 familiepizzaer ned.

u/FirstCircleLimbo · 2 pointsr/Denmark

Det må være bogen "They Thought They Were Free" om tyskerne i årene 1933 til 1945. Spændende læsning. Men omslaget er et kæmpe kagekors, hvilket gør at jeg er nødt til at gemme bogen af vejen, da den ellers giver for mange kommentarer fra folk, der konkluderer før de undersøger. Bogen kan ses her:

Edit: Hagekors ikke kagekors...

u/MinArbejdsBruger · 7 pointsr/Denmark

Eller den her

Jeg er især vild med "Driven by a commitment and passion for the freshly harvested ingredient, Semenology pushes the limits of classic bartending. Semen is often freshly available behind most bar counters and adds a personal touch to any cocktail."

A) Tanken om at bestille en drink, og så går bartenderen lige ud i baglokalet i 5 minutter for at "skaffe ingredienser"...

B) Hvad gør de hvis der virkelig er run på, og alle bare gerne vil have en Semen Sour?

u/Zokleen · 11 pointsr/Denmark

Et godt sted at starte er bogen “The mythical Man-month” af Fred Brooks.

IT-projektledelse er på mange måneder ikke anderledes end projektledelse generelt, men der kræves en væsentlig forståelse for, at opgaverne som oftest kan være enormt komplekse af natur.

Du vil derfor opleve, af din aller aller største hurdle ikke er dit team, som står for eksekveringen, men dine interessenter (aka stakeholder management). Uden at smøre unødigt tykt på stereotyperne, så er det de færreste “projektsponsorer” eller lign interessenter fra forretningssiden, som egentlig har bare en snært af sans for hvorfor IT/softwareudvikling er svært at tids/budget-estimere.

Et klassisk eksempel:

  • Chef: “Jamen det er jo bare en lille knap, hvor svært kan det være..!”
  • Projektleder: “Ok, trækker vejret dybt og finder whiteboard markeren frem ... lad mig forklare det igen....”
  • Chef: “ej det behøver du ikke. Jeg har allerede lovet det til kunden at vi har det klart i næste uge”

    Udfordring nummer 2 er, at din interessenter/ resten af forretningen stort ser altid lever i en “waterfall” verden, også selvom I kører agile eller lign. metoder.

    Dvs, at I som team ofte kan føle jer enormt klemt af, at den eksterne verden ikke forstår eller gider spille med indenfor jeres best practices. (Men det lyder fedt for virksomheden at proklamere “vi er agile”).

    Anyway, det skal siges at jeg til dagligt arbejder med product management, så det er lang tid siden jeg har levet i en “project-only” verden.

    Edit: typos
u/tomover · 3 pointsr/Denmark

A danish book. This one from Amazon

Danish stamps. "Frimærker"
And the special xmas stamps called "Julemærker". (only in danish sorry)

u/a_esbech · 1 pointr/Denmark

I'll second this. Although it may be too satirical at some points, where you have to know how Danes actually act in certain situations.

Also here's a link: