Best products from r/ebola

We found 27 comments on r/ebola discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 24 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the top 20.

Top comments mentioning products on r/ebola:

u/imonstandby · 3 pointsr/ebola

Latex gloves, facemask that protects against viruses - I believe 3M makes a mask that is N95 (n95 is good but N100 is even better or you can buy a regular gas mask and then just make sure to get NBC filters), hazmat suit, BLEACH, contractor bags for waste, plastic sheeting/tarp if you need to seal your windows/doors, duct tape!!

Edited - even better than latex gloves are these

2nd Edit - don't forget to cover your shoes! You could use contractor bags with duct tape if you don't have shoe covers.

u/gemskate613 · 3 pointsr/ebola

The book Ebola by Dr. William T. Close was great, better than the Hot Zone.

Also some documentaries:

Into a bio safety level 4 lab

Vice report on bush meat

Vice on ebola outbreak

BBC Horizon Search for a cure

PBS Nova Surviving Ebola

Ebola: Worlds most dangerous virus (I think this one is about Marburg)

Ebola:Inside the Deadly Outbreak

Burial Boys

Edit: Some of these are in the above comments, I didn't realize.

u/loonybonkersmad · 1 pointr/ebola

The Hot Zone by Richard Preston is an excellent introduction to Ebola and the human response.

u/erasmusthereformer · 2 pointsr/ebola

I don't disagree with you. There's something really wrong going on at the CDC, especially in their policy department. The main point that I want to make, though, is that there is a lot of extremely noxious vitriol currently directed at the CDC. While I agree that some criticism is warranted, fear and distrust of the organization may end up being extremely counterproductive in the long run. Much of their good work goes unnoticed in the media. If you have a moment, take the time to read Beating Back the Devil by Maryn McKenna on the CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service -- they do truly heroic work.

u/AcMav · 1 pointr/ebola

You can't just buy full face respirators to use on the job. Its against OSHA code to use anything other than the paper masks without having it professionally fitted. A poorly fitted respirator is almost as useless as not having one on at all (or at least that's what the safety talkI have to sit through has taught me). Fitting of a respirator involves teaching you to breathe properly through it, as well as checking for leaks around the seal. It's a pretty big fine if you get caught using even the simple N95 particle masks. I worked in pharmacy manufacturing drugs in a clean room, so I can't comment on hospital protocols or dealing with infectious diseases, we were more worried about us making our customers sick.

I looked into it a bit further and there's even a decision handed down on in 2004 about protection of medical personnel against Monkeypox, Smallpox, SARS and Tuberculosis stating that they are not immune to the OSHA regulations. You can see the decision here.

u/ShimmerLily · 1 pointr/ebola

Amazon links: GloGerm gel or powder.

u/true911 · 2 pointsr/ebola

I read the description of Ebola on the human body in Hot Zone

Im not seeing any photos anywhere that depict that level of deterioration.

u/category5 · 1 pointr/ebola

And drop a Tyvek suit in each package

u/Seventytvvo · 5 pointsr/ebola

Check it out... Went on Amazon and totally one-upped your stuff

The suit

The Gloves

The Mask

The hood (extra neck protection)

The centerpiece...

You can be Ebola-free for the low, low price of $70!

u/FF0000it · 21 pointsr/ebola

I think it's too lake to stop it without a vaccine. For a good read on how we stopped hemorrhagic Smallpox (which has quite a few similar symptoms and death rate), I highly recommend this book:

It covers the story of using the ring vaccination technique to isolate the virus, which eventually killed it in the wild by the late 70s. It was a huge effort, but it worked, and I suspect it would work for Ebola too.

u/briangiles · 3 pointsr/ebola
Exactly! From the beginning of this I have said that it NEVER hurts to be ready for the worst. Where I live we get a lot of earth quakes and I am sure within my life we'll get a nasty one. Our building codes are VERY strict and I don't fear that my place will tip over, but the power grid in the US is VERY old and in need of repair badly.

We lost power out here two years ago over about 2 days and people were freaked out. What happens when something really bad happens and it's a week or two weeks with no power, no gas, the food starts dwindling and people are running around like crazy trying to get food to eat.

I'll have my MRE's not the best food in the world, but damn I won't starve to death. I think about prepping hardly ever and I need to get my self re situated and make sure I have everything back together again. I even made a list here for people who were new to prepping. My list is far from a complete list of things one would like to have, but it has the essentials.

My personal Kit:

Item| Cost | Unit
Water | $1.00 | 1 Gallon / person / day
DYI Meals Ready to Eat | $3.50 | Per Unit
Life Straw | $19.99 | 1
50 FT of Utility Rope | $11.49 | 1
Multitool - Leatherman | $27.00 | 1
Flashlight - Crank LED | $9.99 | 1
Potable Water Treatment Tablets | $5.99 | 1
Magnesium Fire Starter | $4.33 | 1
Trash Bag | $0.50 | 2
Vitamins | $15.27 | 1
Total | $99.56 |
_ | |
Added for EVD | |
Latex Gloves | $9.34 | 1
Option A| |
Reperator | $28.90 | 1
Replacement Filter | $8.90 | 1
Option B| |
N95 Mask| $14.79 | 10
| |
Total A| $47.14 |
Total B| $24.13 |
| |
Grand Total A| $146.70 |
Grand Total B| $123.69 |

The fact of the matter is that the subreddit for the most part seems to be under the illusion that if you don't live in West Africa you are 100% safe, which is a dangerous thought to have.

As /u/snorgsniffer said yesterday

>When confronted with dire circumstances beyond their control, humans predictably engage in one of the following behaviors:

> Denial
> Distraction
> * Drugs / Drink (altered state of consciousness)

>All of those things result in still another "D"... delay
It's clear that both the victims and potential responders are engaging in "D behaviors" at this time.

>My point? It is almost impossible to change someone's mind using logical argument when their conclusion is an irrational, emotional one. They just burrow deeper into their chosen coping behavior when forced to look even more closely at the thing which frightened them so badly in the first place.

>Though not directly news related, I think understanding the psychological underpinnings of the outbreak is important when interpreting the nuts & bolts side of it. This sub seems to me like a good place to see it discussed. There are some really bright people here.

A lot of people are giving voice to their coping mechanisms of denial to make themselves feel better. I don't think their attitude will change until the numbers reach upwards of 50,000 and the people start fleeing and spreading this crap all over the globe.
u/synsays · 1 pointr/ebola

Did you read The Hot Zone? If you didn't, you don't know what you are talking about. What she described is what Ebola does to the body. Educate yourself before posting comments that show your ignorance.

From The Hot Zone:
"Ebola Zaire attacks every organ and tissue in the human body except skeletal muscle and bone. It is a perfect parasite because it transforms virtually every part of the body into a digested slime of virus particles. The seven mysterious proteins that, assembled together, make up the Ebola-virus particle, work as a relentless machine, a molecular shark, and they consume the body as the virus makes copies of itself. Small blood clots begin to appear in the bloodstream, and the blood thickens and slows, and the clots begin to stick to the walls of the blood vessels. This is known as pavementing, because the clots fit together in a mosaic. The mosaic thickens and throws more clots drift through the bloodstream into the small capillaries, where they get stuck. This shuts off the blood supply to various parts of the body, causing dead spots to appear in the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, testicles, breast tissue (of men as well as women), and all through the skin. Ebola attacks connective tissue with particular ferocity; it multiples in collagen, the chief constituent protein of the tissue that holds the organs together. (the seven Ebola proteins somehow chew up the body's structural proteins.) In this way, collagen in the body turns to mush, and the underlayers of the skin die and liquefy. The skin bubbles up into a sea of tiny white blisters mixed with red spots known as maculopapular rash. This rash has been likened to tapioca pudding. Spontaneous rips appear in the skin, and hemorrhagic blood pours from the rips. The red spots on the skin row and spread and merge to become huge, spontaneous bruises, and the skin goes soft and pulpy and can tear off it is is touched with any kind of pressure. Your mouth bleeds, and you bleed around your teeth, and you may have hemorrhages from the salivary glands-literally every opening in the body bleeds, no matter how small. The surface of the tongue turns brilliant red and then sloughs off, and is swallowed or spat out. It is said to be extraordinarily painful to lose the surface of one's tongue. The tongue's skin may be torn off during the rushes of the black vomit. The back of the throat and the lining of the windpipe may also slough off, and the dead tissues slides down the windpipe into the lungs or is coughed up with sputum. Your heart bleeds into itself; the heart muscle softens and has hemorrhages into its chambers, and blood squeezes out of the heart muscle as the heart beats, and it floods the chest cavity The brain becomes clogged with dead blood cells, a condition known as sludging of the brain. Ebola attacks the lining of the eyeball: you may weep blood. The blood runs from your eyes down to your cheeks and refuses to coagulate. You may have a hemispherical stroke, in which one whole side of the body is paralyzed, which is invariably fatal in the case of Ebola. Even while the body's internal organs are becoming plugged with coagulated blood, the blood that streams out of the body cannot clot; it resembles whey being squeezed out of curds. The blood has been stripped of its clotting factors. If you put the runny Ebola blood in a test tube and look at it, you see that the blood is destroyed. Its red blood cells are broken and dead. The blood looks as if it has been buzzed in an electric blender.
Ebola kills a great deal of tissue while the host is still alive. It triggers a creeping, spotty necrosis that spreads through all the internal organs. The liver bulges up and turns yellow, beings to liquefy, and then it cracks apart. The cracks run across the liver and deep inside it, and the liver completely dies and goes putrid. The kidneys become jammed with blood clots and dead cells, and cease functioning. As the kidneys fail, the blood becomes toxic with urine. The spleen turns into a single, hard blood clot the size of a baseball. The lining of the gut dies and sloughs off into the bowels and is defecated along with large amounts of blood. In men, the testicles bloat up and turn black-and-blue, the semen goes hot with Ebola, and the nipples may bleed. In women, the labia turn blue, livid, protrusive, and there may be massive vaginal bleeding. The virus is a catastrophe for a pregnant woman: the child is aborted spontaneously and is usually infected with Ebola virus, born with red eyes and a bloody nose.

Ebola destroys the brain more thoroughly than does Marburg, and Ebola victims often go into epileptic convulsions during the final stage. The convulsions are grand mal seizures-the whole body twitches and shakes, the arms and legs thrash around, and the eyes, sometimes bloody, roll up into the head. The tremors and convulsions of the patient may smear or splatter blood around. Possibly this epileptic splashing of blood is one of Ebola's strategies for success-it makes the victim go into a flurry of seizures as he dies, spreading blood all over the place, thus giving the virus a chance to jump to the new host-a kind of transmission through smearing.
Ebola (and Marburg) multiples so rapidly and powerfully that the body's infected cells become crystal-like blocks of packed virus particles. These crystals are broods of virus getting ready to hatch from the cell. They are known as bricks. The bricks, or crystals, first appear near the center of the cell and then migrate towards the surface. As a crystal reaches a cell wall, it disintegrates into hundreds of individual virus particles, and the broodlings push the cell wall like hair and float away in the bloodstream of the host. The hatched Ebola particles cling to cells everywhere in the body, and get inside them, and continue to multiply. It keeps on multiplying until areas of tissue all through the body are filled with crystalloids, which hatch, and more Ebola particles drift into the bloodstream, and the amplification continues inexorably until a droplet of the host's blood can contain a hundred million individual virus particles.

After death, the cadaver suddenly deteriorates: the internal organs, having been dead or partially dead for days, have already begun to dissolve, and a sort of shock-related meltdown occurs. The corpse's connective tissue, skin, and organs, already peppered with dead sots, heated by fever, and damaged by shock, begin to liquefy, and the fluids that leak from the cadaver are saturated with Ebola-virus particles."

edit: typos