Best products from r/fuckeatingdisorders

We found 15 comments on r/fuckeatingdisorders discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 12 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the top 20.

Top comments mentioning products on r/fuckeatingdisorders:

u/edfoodie · 2 pointsr/fuckeatingdisorders

Oh my god, same tbh. Like yesterday I just… inhaled a bunch of grapes, and did so today for breakfast, and then went back for other stuff that I normally never would’ve.

On one hand, part of me is like ‘oh no I’ve flipped around and I’m binging out and this is terrible and I’ll never be normal again’ but I think one thing that is helping is like I’m trying this based on stuff that was in the Fuck it Diet book where it… actually outlines feeling precisely this way, and takes you through it in terms of why you’re reacting like that and what’s going on mentally.

While I don’t necessarily agree with everything in the book - and in fact, disagree pretty hard with some areas - the parts where it describes like - basically thinking of it as if your body has been NOT eating for a while and on that level doesn’t KNOW that the food supply it now has access to isn’t going to suddenly stop again (i.e. you’ve been putting your body through an artificial famine) it’s just going to overload on things.

So what she suggests is just to give in to it, to kind of like - not forever - let yourself reassure your body that food is going to be there, that it doesn’t HAVE to be anxious, that you CAN have it if you want it, and to think of that as the first step of recovery. Only after that initial reassurance is there on a very subconscious level (and I know in my case, it definitely isn’t yet) can you start to actually return to some kind of normalcy.

That’s why I’m treating the way I just am craving fucking everything as a chance to like just sit back and log exactly what it is I’m craving and in a way trying to enjoy or go with it. Like, what DO I want? How is my mood affecting me? Was this worth it? Did I enjoy it as much as I expected? And seeing it as part of a process and letting it take as long as it needs, mostly.

u/pinetreecandle · 1 pointr/fuckeatingdisorders

Some of my favorite coping skills...

-Delay. Basically if you want to binge&purge, or you've already eaten/binged and want to purge, tell yourself, okay, if I still want to do this after 15/20 minutes, I can. And then in those 15 minutes, find something mindful to do. I like to walk my dog, color a picture, make a gratitude list, read a book, sudoku/word search, etc. Usually by the end of that time the urge has gone away.

-Use a mantra. Find a phrase that motivates/inspires you. You can pick a new one everyday if you need to. It can be anything "I am strong" "I choose health". Pick something that really resonates with you. Maybe write it on a couple of post-it notes. And repeat the phrase in your head when youre struggling.

-Fidgets. This for me is more for anxiety but it could be helpful to you. They sell fidget toys online (this ones my fav: )

-Scent. I use essentional oils. Another good one for anxiety/depression/etc. Certain essential oils help with different things. Lavender is very relaxing/calming. Yling Yling is relaxing. Lemon is for happiness/boost your mood. Rose is good for energy. etcetc. You can use a diffuser or place a couple of drops of your shirt sleeves/collar/on a scarf. If I have the urge to b/p, then an oil that's grounding and an oil thats relaxing would help. If I'm really depressed I might use lemon, rose, and lavender.

u/problematicbeing · 6 pointsr/fuckeatingdisorders

Tabitha Farrar has 2 main tenants of recovery: Nutritional Rehabilitation(eating plenty again and gaining weight as needed) and Neural Rewiring (working to re-wire the pathways in your brain that lead to ED thoughts and behaviors). Often treatment only does that first half- ensure the person is eating and medically stable- which is extremely important, but you end up with a recovered body and a sick mind and you feel like "well great, I look healthy but I still have 99% of my ED thoughts and my brain is definitely not recovered"

She actually has a book that focuses soley on neural rewiring " " this could be helpful for working on the mental part and healing your ED mind.

Also, being overweight by bmi doesn't mean you need to lose weight, especially not if you have an ED history. People live full, healthy, beautiful lives while technically overweight. Weight does not determine health. Eating intuitively and being active in a joyful way will improve health and well-being without intentionally changing the number on the scale.

u/TraceyLiv · 1 pointr/fuckeatingdisorders

I am a big book reader, specifically on energy healing and understanding how energy creates health or illness. I am a fully recovered bulimic -- and swear that these books changed my entire view and relationship with myself.

Here are my top 3 favorites, one is available for free as a digital book so I included that link.

xo tracey

Light Emerging - Barbara Brennan, free digital book

Hands of Light - Barbara Brennan

Caroline Myss - Anatomy of the Spirit: Seven Stages of Healing

u/espurrious · 1 pointr/fuckeatingdisorders

I LOVE this book. It helped me immensely. Even if you don't have all the same issues or have more/less than she did, it is a great way to help you think about things.

u/relative-energy · 4 pointsr/fuckeatingdisorders

This really hits home. I lived in a similar limbo starting at about age 21. I managed to climb my way into the low end of "not technically underweight," and managed to be mostly high functioning in spite of a vague sense of guilt and constant mental barrages from the eating disorder. Sugary and junk foods were a constant companion for me too; I wrote about this here.

I think what was happening was my brain was still stuck thinking that there was a global famine, even though my body was no longer emaciated. Unfortunately a lot of people recovering from anorexia wind up here - they look better on the outside, but feel just as bad or worse on the inside. It makes it really difficult because everyone thinks you're fine. In reality there's lots more rehabilitation to do - the goal is "mental state improvement," not just "bodily improvement."

I wouldn't discourage anyone from getting help from a pro, but my guess is that you can try to make progress on your own before you reach out. I found this article and this article really helpful for understanding what's going on with this limbo state; I wish I'd read them much earlier. This book has a step-by-step guide for a (full) recovery program, and I found it to be really worth the $10.

Good luck!

u/sintos-compa · 1 pointr/fuckeatingdisorders

the book never binge again, i know lofty goal, helped me with some great tools and insight. sure, nothing is a silver bullet for ED, but it opened my head to some new things.

it's free with amazon prime on kindle.

u/noshitscience · 3 pointsr/fuckeatingdisorders

I'm using this book at the moment and I think it's extremely useful and I highly recommend it!

u/T_86 · 1 pointr/fuckeatingdisorders

How long have you been taking the prenatals?

I started using a spray on anti breakage serum just on the tips of my hair after I shower. It’s helped the appearance and feel. I just buy a cheap drugstore brand. The Biotin shampoo and conditioner by this brand is inexpensive but nice as well.

Nourishing Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum by Organix for Unisex - 4 oz Serum