(Part 2) Best products from r/lawofattraction

We found 20 comments on r/lawofattraction discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 94 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

Top comments mentioning products on r/lawofattraction:

u/Dimittas · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

Let me know what you think of it. There is a follow up book by the author where he states belief in the process isn't even necessary :

>...as the first fundamental states that the mind has no faith beyond objective reasoning; while the second says the soul is the substance and essence of faith; and the third fundamental explains that soul acts at the suggestion of the mind. It has no alternative. Therefore, it is not necessary that the mind believe the suggestion possible of accomplishment in order for the soul to obtain the result.
After results have been accomplished time upon time and the mind knows, by objective results, that the system operates without fail, then the mind also acquires faith. AT THIS STAGE, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
For sake of emphasis, the faith required may be purely soul faith, and the requirement to soul-action sincere mental desire, communicated by suggestion—not retarded by abnormal active opposition in the way of adverse suggestion from the mind.

I wonder if the people that had success with this simple did actually have some innate belief or faith that it would work.

Check out the reviews on Amazon. It is peppered with interesting comments and success stories.


In particular check out this review and the numerous comments and questions housed within it. (it may not show up properly on a phone)


u/petrus4 · 3 pointsr/lawofattraction

> Okay, first of all, my mom is a psychotic, nagging little bitch. She ALWAYS tries to find the littlest of things to criticize me, even when there's nothing to criticize about. For example, I would eat dinner upstairs. Just me sitting quietly and eating my food. Suddenly the bitch would instigate an argument. And bam, I start to feel like shit for the rest of the day. Thanks for ruining my mood, fucking bitch.

This behaviour is a request for validation or acknowledgement, but she is having difficulty expressing it positively because of the level of resentment she is feeling. Find out what she is doing for you or others that she expects gratitude for, and then give her said gratitude. Once you do this, the nagging should at least start to ease.

David Hawkins wrote that people start nagging when they do something for someone, expect praise for doing said act, and then don't get it. They set up an expectation within themselves, and the nagging is triggered by the resulting feelings of emptiness, exhaustion, and resentment. The other thing to understand here is that the nagging and resentment will be in direct proportion to the amount of gratitude or acknowledgement that the person expects to receive for the service they have rendered. If she was expecting a lot of praise from you, then she will feel a lot of resentment if she doesn't get it.

> I'm sorry for being so angry. This is what happens when you're constantly surrounded by negative people. As a result, it's making me really negative as well. The negativity is contagious. It runs like wild fire.

Anger is in fact a relatively positive condition. It is two emotional steps below the tipping point for stable positive emotion; the next two being Pride and Courage. Get from Anger to Pride by finding some achievements that you've made which you feel proud of yourself for, and then get from Pride to Courage by realising that, because you're capable of achieving things you can feel proud of, that means that you are sufficiently competent that you can cope with living as a stable, independent adult. The major developmental hurdle is getting to the point where you believe that on a long term basis, you have the ability to consistently survive. Once security in the ability to survive is established, negative emotion will largely cease, and you'll be able to continue to higher levels.

Get Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, and Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. They will outline a very concrete method of elevating yourself emotionally, and potentially helping others rise as well, through active listening and providing positive acknowledgement.

u/lasrevinuu · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

Check out this post.

And this post.

And this book. It's not just about what the title says, but it's also an excellent book on how to be self-loving and create a successful relationship, and much more.

I've had success with re-connecting with ex's a couple of times when I made the intention to, but we didn't get back together because I realised I had grown out of it and was ready to find someone more suitable for me. And I did :)

u/CommentsOMine · 5 pointsr/lawofattraction

Very close! I would not use the words "worry about money". Not at all. And not twice. Everything else looks stellar, though! I am wishing OP (and everyone else!) best of luck!

FWIW, my favorite book about how to get the universe to pay your bills is MPN: Triggers to Ascension. They very day it came in the mail, so did a completely unexpected check for $100. That got MY attention! I am very thankful that money loves to come to me too, because I do love to share it!!


u/konstantinovna · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

You may be trying to make too big of a jump; if money is an area that you really struggle with, declaring that you're wealthy will just remind you of how wealthy you aren't. Maybe what you could do is, when you hear your inner dialogue 'correcting' your affirmation, you could take a moment to acknowledge that that is just your old way of thinking resurfacing. You've only been recently introducing these positive thoughts of abundance into your way of thinking, so it makes sense that your old habits of thought that you've been thinking for way longer are going to take some time to dissipate. It's only to be expected really, just tell yourself 'that's just the old me piping up, not the new me.'

Personally speaking, I think affirmations only really work if they actually cause you to feel what you are speaking. If telling yourself that you are rich doesn't actually make you feel abundant, look for examples of abundance in your life and appreciate them. If you focus on abundance, you will attract more. Also, something I read in a book that I found really helpful was to sit and think about how much money exists in the world. This is the book it's from, it's really short it's more of a pamphlet honestly, I really recommend it for people who have scarcity complexes in regards to money:


u/TheQuantumZero · 2 pointsr/lawofattraction

> I was wondering if there's anything I should do, all the hard work has been done

Visualization. Visualize whatever you'll after you have got that pro contact. In-fact during daytime, act as if you have already got that contract. Ignore people (without any negativity) who call you crazy when you act like that.

After you have done all that you can physically, it becomes a mind game and I'm pretty sure that you will know this already since you are into competitive sports and also know about LOA. :p

Please read the book called "The Power of Awarenss by Neville Goddard".

Please try reading these posts,

u/appliedloa · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

I don't have it to hand, but I once bought a book by an author, Randall Fitzgerald, who wrote about some similar stuff Lucky You!: Proven Strategies for Finding Good Fortune.

The link I had to his online writing no longer exists but, if I remember correctly, he told a story about his win at a casino after he had done some affirmations for intuition before sleeping and then waited until he had a dream which he took as a signal to visit a casino and play on a particular machine. If you Google his name with some luck related keywords you might find a copy of his articles somewhere.

u/poison_vali · 2 pointsr/lawofattraction

There is a good technique that worked for me that I've read in this book. My interpretation of it is, basically, just relax and visualize a situation from your past that reflects your pain. Be honest with yourself about why this situation hurts you. Face the situation you've visualized and accept that the pain is now in the past. Then imagine that visualization from the outside, like you are looking at a photograph. Imagine lifting it up from Earth, into the Universe, take a deep breath and say goodbye. Then watch it disappear into the Universe. Be glad that it's gone.

Also, quote from the same author: "Focusing on your past instead of focusing on yourself is a waste of time…and you know it. How can anything that has already been and gone be more important than you, your life, right now? Why should anything else be more important in your life?".

Hope this helps. Good luck :)

u/lasarg · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

I discovered The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy through Reddit and I loved every word!

If you prefer to listen rather than reading, by a pleasant voice then check out Dr Joe Dispenza

Recently invested in E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and it is the happiest book ever! You even get to learn to experience with the "field".

Edit: spells amagad!

u/Ethereal_Sumo · 4 pointsr/lawofattraction

Personally my path began with The Kybalion, The Emerald Tablet , and The Corpus Hermeticum (Copenhavers Translation).

I have yet to finish the Hermeticum, but from there my own path led me into the Hermetic Qabalah System (not to be confused with the original Jewish Kabbalah, or Christian Cabala).

Your path may be very different than mine! Go with the flow and try not to stress yourself out too much in the beginning. A lot of the work can be heavy and take time to understand and apply.

r/occult has lots of useful information to get started via their search bar as well! Their “about” section (which might be a sidebar on PC I think?) has a ton of related subreddits as well that are very useful.

u/thinmintea · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

Oh my goodness thank you for taking the time to share all of that!

I am very interested in this. Often when we are working with affirmations or new beliefs it is like forcing the new positive belief over the old negative one. And people can have a very hard time with that, not believing the new chosen belief/affirmation because the old one "competes" in a way.

What you are describing sounds a lot like some of the therapy techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Inner Child Work.

CBT: states we have a hierarchy of types of thoughts and beliefs, ranging from shallower/more on the surface, "automatic thoughts" which are based on more deeply held "core beliefs" - "I'm not good enough" or similar, and they are all interconnected, and the automatic thoughts we have fleetingly throughout the day, or our inner monologue, represents these more deeply held (and often flawed/dysfunctional) beliefs about ourselves (ex "I'm unlovable"), others (ex. "Others will hurt me, so respect the worst"), the world (ex. "things always go badly for me"). CBT just works on fixing the thoughts, not with figuring out where they came from. I personally find this approach lacking. I needed to understand why I had negative thoughts and beliefs, not just try to change them.

Psychodynamic therapy involves going backward to identify where in childhood our beliefs and coping mechanisms and ways of relating to ourselves, the world and others came from, to gain understanding of the source and then modify as needed.

Inner Child Work is very similar to what you are talking about and its about relating to that hurt "child" part of us that didn't get what they needed in childhood and now feels hurt and scared (etc) and how to step in as our own "loving parent" and to reframe these experience and provide to ourselves through compassionate inner dialogue and self care what we needed then and now.

Pete Walker has a good website on this and what he refers to as "emotional flashbacks"

Also coming to mind is a book called "The Presence Process" by Brown who gives a detailed program for "integrating" old stuff by going backwards and identifying where our negative beliefs come from.

In my experience you don't have to be overly particular about how far you can go back and how precise you can be. Even if you can identify a general theme or feeling, and track back to when you recall that feeling in your childhood to identify where the belief might have come from: ex,: "My mother always checked my homework, and that made me think I must be stupid or untrustworthy" - then that's enough to realize where something came from and start to undo it, saying to yourself, "No, I was fine and smart. I got all As and some Bs. My mother was just overly concerned with how our family appeared to others due to her own insecurities. That had nothing to do with me. I am smart and I am trustworthy."

Again, thanks for sharing all you took the time to write, and I think if you are interested in this sort of thing there are others resources that cost less than $5000 you can look into do do similar work.

"Healing your aloneness" by Chopich and "Inner Bonding" by the same authors are also good books with a similar theme.


My therapist taught me a 4 step process to do this when something happens that triggers me feeling those old negative beliefs:

  1. How do I feel?

  2. What does this remind me of?

  3. What decision did I make then?

  4. What decision can I make now?

    That process was immensely helpful to me to journal on events to rewire my negative beliefs that were based in old experiences.


    (edited to add links)

u/quantum-freedom · 3 pointsr/lawofattraction

I would say about 85% of my technique is mostly meditation and affirmation. Most of what I do is listed here. Also, I use Abraham's 68 second technique almost daily for multiple things, as listed here.

I'm not too good at mentally visualizing, but I'm really working on getting better. I'm incorporating imagination techniques as described in Neville Goddard: The Essential Collection. (Most of Neville's teachings you can read for free online.)

Also, more recently I've been looking into occult methods and rituals, as I believe they are tools to help activate LOA and enhance belief. I've been reading The Kybalion, Condensed Chaos, and Initiation Into Hermetics. I've had some success with rituals as well as with sigils.

u/ZoeyDYR · 3 pointsr/lawofattraction

My fave books are You Are a Badass and The Big Leap. Life changing!
Also I highly recommend making a vision board and listened to some awesome music. Whenever I do that my mood is instantly raised.
There are tons of uplifting Facebook groups, too that I've found helpful.
And blogs are always my go-to for learning about the LoA and upping my vibe.

u/elliotisnotmyname · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

Here's the lanie LSA thread: https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/book-pu-y-whip-for-womens-eyes-only.983955/

there are also a bunch of success stories on her forum: http://laniestevensforum.boardhost.com/viewforum.php?id=1000004

And the reviews of the books: https://www.amazon.com/PUSSY-WHIP-Powerful-Technique-Controls-ebook/product-reviews/B00ERIQ6XG/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_hist_5?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=five_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar

pw is pussy whip, bwd is burn with desire. bwd is more for getting your person of interest to think sexual thoughts of you (remote seduction) and pw is more for loving thoughts or putting thoughts in their head (remote influence)

u/WhiteTigerZimri · 2 pointsr/lawofattraction

Some people just see it as a primarily psychological process that influences their subconscious mind, while others view it in a more spiritual/metaphysical way (kind of like praying for something). There is evidence that visualisation impacts the physical body to some degree, so there is clearly a psychological and physiological component there. You can read this article to learn more about it: How to Grow Stronger Without Lifting Weights. The evidence for being able to visualise and manifest other things (like money or an ideal romantic partner) is less clear, but the book Mind to Matter by Dawson Church discusses possible evidence for the law of attraction in other areas of life.

u/Dejaliyah · 3 pointsr/lawofattraction

OH also, my most recent FAVORITE book (I got the audiobook or e-book and listened to it)

Wayne Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled. One of the best books ever.
