(Part 2) Best products from r/BlackPeopleTwitter

We found 20 comments on r/BlackPeopleTwitter discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 511 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

Top comments mentioning products on r/BlackPeopleTwitter:

u/TheExWifeCheated · 3 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

No. I know you're joking, but no, that moment passed around age 21. It's easy to get started though. I started with stirfry personally since it's one technique and you can create a lot of variety from there.

Get yourself one of these: https://www.amazon.com/T-fal-Specialty-Nonstick-Dishwasher-PFOA-Free/dp/B000MYI2ZO/ref=sr_1_9

And one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Proctor-Silex-37534NR-uncooked-resulting/dp/B01GVGXB5C/ref=sxin_3_ac_d_pm

Use this stir fry cooking guide to start: https://1m8t7f33dnra3sfk6v2rjurs-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/StirFry_Vertical_Draft5-01-670x8000.jpg

Fill in the details like "how to tenderize meat" using google searches or by watching youtube. There's just an absurd amount of beginners-cooking info out there for any question you have and all of it works equally well so just pick something and go with it.

Figure you're going to spend about $1 on the meat, $1.50 on the veggies for fresh or $0.50 for frozen, $0.50 on seasonings and $0.50 on rice per 1000 to 1200 calorie meal. If you don't want to use a rice cooker then you can also just serve the stirfry over some drained ramen noodles.

It's certainly more expensive than ramen, but on a dollar-per-calorie basis it's actually quite cheaper than sandwiches unless your sandwich is made from the absolute cheapest ingredients available. The biggest benefit is this helps you eat fresh veggies a lot more and that's a massive quality of life improvement because you absolutely will feel much better on the day-to-day.

All you have to do is practice. You'll mess up a lot early on but you'll get better over time. Good luck.

u/karygurl · 2 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

These are all from Pamela Clare, she used to be an investigative journalist before writing novels so her research is pretty darn thorough. The first I'd recommend is Ride the Fire, it's technically the third book of a trilogy but beyond backstory for side characters, the first two stories aren't necessary to read this one at all. I read Ride the Fire first actually, then went back to the other two.

The second historical recommendation for her is another series about a fictitious group called MacKinnon's Rangers, based on the real Roger's ranging company that was basically the colonies'/US's first special forces, and the main heroes are a trio of brothers. The first is Surrender, then Untamed, then Defiant. I don't think you'd have to read these in order technically, but I'd suggest it, since the characters are brothers and there are references to past events in subsequent books as well as character development of a certain antagonistic side character that spans the series. There's also a novella that takes place after them all that I enjoyed, Upon a Winter's Night, it's less historical and more just fun with the characters I love.

She also has a modern romance/suspense series called the I-Team series about investigative journalists tackling things like environmental issues, mistreatment of Native cultures, Mexican cartels, that kind of thing, which I also really enjoyed. They're based on investigations she's done herself so they're also very detailed in their facts.

u/A_Naany_Mousse · 4 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

That one is good, but honestly, read Ta-Nehisi Coates' two most recent books. We Were Eight Years in Power as well as Between the World and Me.

The first one is several fantastic essays about black issues and the black experience in America. The second is written as a letter to his son about what it means to be black in America. They are very eye opening. Toni Morrison called BTWAM "required reading" for every American and I'd agree for both books. They're not too long and a great resource for understanding the Black experience written by a modern public intellectual at the pinnacle of his power. Seriously, the dude writes extremely well.

u/sajuuksw · 4 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

I mean, "abortion and guns" aren't policies, but the context around both is as ideological as it is policy.

Also: Republicans voters are actually pretty split on actual abortion policy: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/405391-morning-consult-reporter-there-is-a-split-among-the-gop-on-roe

So that clearly doesn't explain their entire voting turnout. Here's another good article on ideology versus policy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/12/16/democrats-policies-are-more-popular-but-republicans-are-more-ideologically-unified/?utm_term=.d44800e937e1

>The Democratic Party has offered more policies that most Americans support. But the Republican Party has more supporters who are ideologically aware. That has power.

u/Nvrfinddisacct · 7 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

I mean I guess I could cut my own hair. I’m just bad at it. In my area, 35 is average for a cut. It comes with the wash because I think it’s easier on the stylist to deal with it wet.

Yeah it does cost money to wax. It lasts a little longer than shaving and it makes your hair finer and easier to deal with. I can’t wax my brows because of an old scar (they won’t do it over scar tissue for some reason). Some women need a full face wax. They grow hair on their face and they want to be accepted.

I just? I’m not sure I could wax my whole face on my own if I needed it and do it well. I didn’t go to school for that. I could end up with terrible skin irritation because I did it wrong or used the wrong materials. Obviously I don’t pay people to shave my legs and things because that’s daily maintenance but the other things you mentioned? I’m not sure I could do those on my own if I needed them.

Just for curiosity’s sake I did look up how much it might cost and what it would entail to wax on my own:


If you don’t want to do all the research to purchase a warmer, wax, sticks, and other supplies separately, you can get a kit. If you decided to get all the best products separately (because they’re all different brands and can’t be purchased at a discount in a kit) it’s a little more expensive. Anyway, the most highly rated kit (meaning most reviews so best review avg) is about 46 dollars.

I mean you’re right, it could be done at home but it still costs time and money. Once the amount of time to do it is factored in, is it more worth it to do it at home? I feel like I’d be in the bathroom all night and still fuck it up.

I feel like the key word in you argument is exorbitant. And yes it may seem exorbitant based on how you personally value the service but according to the market and comparing it to doing it at home, it’s not technically exorbitant. Women don’t choose these prices and the services are somewhat socially forced upon women. I understand your point. I just hope you can also understand that I do a lot of research on these topics not just looking at a price schedule at a salon. And I can’t speak to how your wife makes these purchases or why she feels you should make purchases a certain way but I can say that based on social norms and market value, there’s very few choices for women. You’re right we could reject those choices because they aren’t great but dude then we’d end up like hippie girls with hygiene that’s just not to the standard we like. It feels like that’s the only choice we have: pay market prices or feel not so hygienic.

u/I_just_made · 1 pointr/BlackPeopleTwitter

>"Fake news" and "alternative facts" actually prove that you can't revise recent history. Regardless of what you say, you can't change the events if people are alive who witnessed it. That's why any one who uses those terms aren't taken seriously.

The problem with this is that people read what agrees with them and disavow any differing opinions. If people look no further than their normal news source, then they could be misunderstanding current events. Have to read multiple several news sources, as many different angles as possible, to infer what you believe is an accurate representation of the event.

>Then why even provide the source?

I do not want to pretend to be an expert. This is provided as an entry point for people interested in further reading and what the current state of the situation is.

>The fact is Egypt is in Africa, and Europeans/Arabs didn't invade until millenia after the pyramids were built. Things are a black and white issue because it's the world we live in. I'd never have to even make this argument, if it weren't about black & white to begin with. Ancient white civilizations are credited with these discoveries and advancements, not because they were first, but because they were white.

This saddens me to read it. We will never get past these issues when people are too stubborn to see it any other way. And I never debated that humans didn't originate in Africa. Science agrees with that, and I'd hope most people are in agreement as well. For an interesting read that goes into a bit more detail about this, check out "Sapiens:
A Brief History of Humankind"
. Issues will always be black and white as long as you use a filter to see them that way. And to briefly revisit your response about white civilizations stealing Egyptian discoveries; that is just patently false. You learned about papyrus and mummification for instance? Egyptians were hosts to all sorts of discovery that is to their credit.

>Yes, because those events are fairly recent in human history and include genocide, slavery, and oppression of my ancestors. I can't move on from it because the ancestors of the people that committed the atrocities, and their descendants, never made things right.

And does the same go for genocidal events throughout history like that in Rwanda?

>You don't know that for sure, and even stated that you can't say with absolute certainty that some other ethnic or racial group would have done the same thing, because there's no reset button.
Violence is a part of our nature, but so is the dignity, compassion, and love that comes with "helping your fellow neighbor" that you speak of at the end of your argument.

And you don't either. That's the point. If you push the reset button time and time again, you may get a different outcome. But given how human history evolved during those critical points, it is a reasonable assumption that any group outstripping their competitors in weapons and innovation would have done what they could to secure their dominance/future.

>I'm not gonna pretend like I have the solution, but I know at the very least, reparations and the end of white supremacy is where it begins. These two things lie in the hearts of white people, and aren't something black people can give themselves.

You see the white supremacists on the news right now, but those people are not what we feel. We abhor those people, we want just as much for them to go away, and I do think that we need to do more to stand up to them and move them out. People need to understand that Trump has done this nation no favors by giving them a voice.

Social reparations are a great idea. But monetary reparations are not. Who gets it, how much? Who has to pay? What if there is no trace of slave ownership in your history? What if you are a recent immigrant? What happens to the people who don't get the money?

>We can build our way out of poverty, rebuild our communities, end drug addiction, and gang violence...but there'll still be a white person somewhere to call us all niggers.

Sure, there will always be a racist somewhere. It is a numbers game. There will always be someone believing something; that is the problem we face with religious extremism. But how do you effectively combat it? That is not so simple, and it is a problem we all desperately want to solve.

>The solution to the revision of history being carried out is to educate our children at home. Buy them books and teach them about the other ancient civilizations.
There are more and more black people doing that every day, and there'll come a time, when they'll show up in your classrooms and correct the teacher when they begin their lessons on revised history. How do you think those teachers are going to treat them?

YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! That is EXCELLENT! We have to realize that education does not stop at the parking lot of the school! Foster curiosity, education, learning in the home, it will benefit everyone. Can you imagine what this world would be if people did that? It would be so much better. We wouldn't have many of the petty divides that exist today. Creationism vs Evolution as an example.

>White supremacy is a problem, and it's ubiquitous. It's not just the cross burning, violent shit you see on TV, or at Charlottesville. It's in our education, our media, our tastes, it's to a point where even non-white people unknowingly take part in it through their own language, beliefs, and attitudes.

I agree with the first part, and want to do everything reasonable to put an end to it. But your second part edges on a racist remark. Where is the line drawn between white people allowing to have a culture and it becoming white supremacist?

>That's the truth, no matter how many accounts you long on to downvote in disagreement with.

I only have one account, I could care less whether there is a positive or negative number there. It is about discussion.

>I'll leave you at it. You can have the last word and log onto your other accounts to downvote me if you want.

Again, not doing that. I'm sorry this is your first thought.

>You clearly just wanna argue and gaslight. You've moved so far from my original point, that I've had to argue prehistorical remains, textbook publication, human nature, and what we're doing to fix it.

Come on, really? Why does an opposing viewpoint have to lead to petty insults and character attacks? There is no gaslighting here. I saw you said things that I believed were very biased in a way of misrepresenting historical events, I responded with a point of view to counterbalance that. If you treat everyone who doesn't hold your view as a gaslighter or agitator, then you are closing the door to open discussion; and that is exactly what this country needs right now. I'm really sorry you feel this way, I do not deny that there is a lot of work to be done. But let's work together to do it right, and to be proactive in avoiding these events in the future.

u/dcwj · 13 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

What do you define as successful?

SpaceX has won contracts to resupply the ISS (not sure if they still do this or not)
also won a contract to bring US crews to and from the ISS

Not to mention their huge progress toward re-usable rockets. Fairly recently they landed a rocket on a platform after it had been launched into orbit. I can't really go into the science because I don't understand it, but I'm pretty sure that by almost all accounts, SpaceX has been VERY successful. They entered a "market" that had zero competition and were told by everyone that they'd fail.

Read the book about Elon Musk.

SpaceX is pretty lit.

u/DDantas · 6 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

Man, I fucking love squid ink pasta. Here's a recipe that I make often for a lobster reduction sauce that pairs well with this kind of pasta:

  1. Finely chop half a large shallot/one whole small shallot, and one garlic clove. Sauté this with olive oil until they juuuuuuust start to brown. Do this on Medium-High heat.

  2. Once they just start to brown, add a tablespoon of brandy/cognac. I don't really drink, so I just went to bevmo and bought one of those 50ml bottles.

  3. Stir in one tablespoon of lobster base. Lobster base is essentially boiled down lobster stock that's in paste form. This is the one I use.

  4. With the lobster base, stir in one cup of tomato sauce, and half a cup of heavy cream.

  5. Season to taste. Sometimes if I want it a bit sweeter, I'll add a teaspoon of sugar at a time until it tastes the way I like. For a secret ingredient to boost umami/savoryness, add one or two chopped anchovies. They don't make the dish taste fishy, just more savory.

  6. Reduce the total sauce into the consistency you like. If you like your sauce more watery, you should be good as is. If you're like me, let it reduce for 5-10 minutes on Low heat until it coats the back of a spoon and doesn't slide right off.

  7. Top this with your favorite fish(cooked in a separate pan). For a cheaper option, you can use a filet of salmon. If you want to be fancy, go for some halibut of chilean sea bass.
u/BGT456 · 3 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

I work as a bodyguard. Nothing for me to do. Sadly I forgot my laptop today and was on my phone during the downtime. When the client is home I sit and do nothing in the security suite unless they decide to leave and go somewhere. So I occupy my time with movies, TV, books, news, reddit and firearms stuff.

I also have never claimed to be smart, the only opinion is that the $1500/wk number is not feasible. My facts are easily searchable stuff, but I did all that for you in section 3 so there can be no further argument.

Here is the math worked out better with sources. Any math shown should be all explained, if not I will explain it. I tried to break down the math to be as simple as possible. Info for math in section 4 is sourced in section 3. I am glad I typed this all out, it is even less possible than I thought. When on a computer I really enjoy this stuff, not so much on my phone.

Ok. In depth numbers. Still going to do lots of rounding. So what we are trying to figure out is if the number giving by the cartel of $1500 spent per week on rubber band as claimed by the original comment is feasible.

Since you say they use bundles, not rolls, lets go with that.

We will use the number of bills in a bank bundle of 100 (all bills above $1 Bill only come in 100 sized bundles).

There are 18 billion bills in circulation in 1996.

1200 rubber bands cost $7 in 2017 Which is $2.38 in 1980, The peak of his power.

For ease of math all the number I will use from now one will be in "per year" numbers

So the claim is they spend $78,000 per year on rubber band. That buys 40M rubber bands. Based on $2.38 per 1200. (78k / 2.38 = 32,773 Packs) 1200 per pack times 32773 packs is 39,327,731 rubber bands (Rounded to 40M)

So 100 bills per rubber band. That means they move in a single year 4 billion bills (40M x 100 = 4B).

Lets presume this money is moved a lot and needs a new rubber band every year.

The federal reserve data only goes back to 1996 so we will use that date instead of 1980.

There are 18 Billion bills in circulation and based on the number of bills they would have to have to use that many rubber bands that means at any given moment the cartel owns over 22% of all Bills in circulation (18B / 4B = 4.5) (4.5 / 100 = 22.22%).

So ask yourself this. Is it feasible for a single South american drug cartel to have in their possession almost 1/4 (25%) of bills in existence?

u/WebpackIsBuilding · 0 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

I don't know it all. I'm super not saying that I do.

But veganism isn't simply "not eating meat". It's an ethical framework. Anyone who calls themselves vegan is announcing to the world what their ethics are.

I'm simply telling you what that label means.

> Side note: would you cook meat for your meat eating friends as well? The metalhead vegan friend of mine would do so, but not the spiritualist one. Because, ya know, not all vegans think the same.

I used to be ok doing that, but have since stopped. The only thing that changed between those two points was how willing I was to be a stick in the mud for my morality. My underlying belief about whether my friends/family were right or wrong didn't really change; all that changed was my level of determination in advocating for that belief.

EDIT: Also, great gift idea for your vegan metal-head friend, if he doesn't already own it:


u/Projectile0vulation · 33 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

Here’s a productive and nutritional solution for proper disposal.

>Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food.

u/essidus · 2 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

There's a few things. First there's the Nostalgia factor. It was a show the prime demographic for Netflix watched as kids and young adults. It ran for a number of years, and was saturated in the popular culture of the time. There were toys, games, and is even referenced in pop hit music. Long story short, during its original run, it was an unmatched force in pop culture.

But that still doesn't fully answer your question. X-Files was popular because it was incredibly well made, and the characters had very distinct personalities that drew you in. The show was mostly "Monster of the Day" style, but there was a breadcrumb trail of a larger conspiracy working around our heroes that compelled you to watch further. The scenarios themselves were mostly quite interesting and unique in the TV space at the time, and with a suspenseful atmosphere that kept you engaged. You can actually see echoes of the ground originally tread by the X-Files today. You can see pieces of it in many Police Procedurals and shows like Supernatural, where the creators took inspiration from the X-Files.

u/ThatRocketSurgeon · 0 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

Kinda like how you’ve given nobody any reason to take your word for it that they were functional? Anyway let me break it down for you. The clock used was a dashboard clock for your car like this one. It has no feedback mechanism like a beep or buzz. The buttons only set a time, not a timer. So there’s no way to make it countdown or set off an alarm at a certain time, triggering the firing function of the “bomb” as it’s being called. Also the only battery visible in the X-ray is the one inside the clock, which even if it was used as a power source wouldn’t have enough amperage to push any type of initiation system. Let’s talk about initiation systems. In a normal firing train these are called blasting caps but if you’re improvising you can use anything like bridge wires, model rocket motors, etc. to start a spark inside of a primary explosive. Primary explosives are sensitive so you don’t want large quantities of them because that increases the chance that they’ll detonate before you would like them to. They initiate a secondary explosive otherwise known as the main charge. You can use black powder or fireworks but you’d need a much more significant spark to set them off than say, mercury fulminate, which is commonly used in military and commercial blaring caps. So to someone who has spent the last decade and a half looking at things like this, it’s easy to see how it’s non-functioning.

u/Ouroboron · 23 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

Also, they're shit at coffee. You can do better at home with not a huge investment and a little time. Not much more than it takes to get to a Starbucks, order, and have them burn your coffee.

Get yourself an electric kettle, a French press or a pour over, and some decent coffee. Splurge on the coffee. Spend $15 or $20 on a pound, and you'll get far more tastier coffee than you'll ever get at Starbucks. Amazon can get you hooked up with a decent starter kettle and brew method. This looks like a decent coffee to try.

Also, get a light roast. They've got more caffeine and more character. It's not just burnt nonsense. Sure, a properly done darker roast can be good, but properly roasted dark roast is a tall order. If you really want to be nice to yourself, find a nice light roast peaberry.

Eventually you might want to get a grinder and buy whole bean, but this will get you started on better coffee now.