(Part 2) Best products from r/uncensorednews

We found 20 comments on r/uncensorednews discussing the most recommended products. We ran sentiment analysis on each of these comments to determine how redditors feel about different products. We found 52 products and ranked them based on the amount of positive reactions they received. Here are the products ranked 21-40. You can also go back to the previous section.

Top comments mentioning products on r/uncensorednews:

u/TwoScoopsofDestroyer · 4 pointsr/uncensorednews

HRC: Some Girls are born to lead (read: some girls are born into leadership)

I don't know how that title got past any copy editor with a head on their shoulders.

u/FreeThinkingMan · -3 pointsr/uncensorednews

I find it absolutely deplorable that the majority of people in this sub are for the annihilation of the Islamic world. This place is like a breathing stereotype where people come to purposefully mislead themselves into reinforcing their bigotry and hate. There is a picture of battered little white girl on the side bar, asking whose fault it is for Christ's sake(I think it is implied it is non-white person, what apartheid are they talking about and why, the one from 15 years ago in South Africa?).

The United States is a secular government and the scientists who did the research and development were mostly atheists. Scientists and people with advanced degrees tend to be atheists in case you are not aware. I suggest you read a book called the A New History of Western Philosophy to get an idea of how religion has held back human progress since you seem to have no idea what that other person was discuss(or just in denial and engaging in mental gymnastics). Genocide is never the answer and it is ultimately the product of ignorance and simplistic thought processes.


u/TheUndead96 · 10 pointsr/uncensorednews

Don't worry, I am actually reading Guns, Germs and Steel at the moment and I have read many of these details within the last 7 days.

I am not trying to name names and point fingers here. The point I am trying to make is that all nations have a history with race. Additionally, think about:

  • Australia and the Aboriginals
  • Native Siberians
  • South East Asians before the Austronesian expansion (this happened many hundred years ago, though)

    Apartheid was bad, but it was certainly not the Holocaust, and the world seems to think that we are all a bunch of white-supremists. Just because Americans killed with Germs instead of Guns doesn't not take the deaths away. But that also does not mean you need to feel guilty. White people were indeed slaves at many points in history.

    I didn't have anything to do with Apartheid.
    But I'm still prepared to say sorry for any harm my ancestors caused. And I hope that we can learn to love each other, despite our histories.
u/CynixCS · 13 pointsr/uncensorednews

>It's pretty funny that this same pattern can be seen in the other direction on the fringier ends of the right-wing subreddits, or even the comments in this one.

(((citation needed)))

>Accuse of violence: (check)

Oh you mean like the thousands of NRA people going around smacking people with bike locks AR15 stocks?

OF COURSE you have people resorting to violence on every side - given the enormous sample size it would be a legit miracle if there weren't any. However, the scale is very much tilted towards the left. You don't see Breitbart glorifying a Shakespear play where Barack Obama gets nailed to a cross and burned alive. However you DO see things - like - this from leftist sources.

Yeah that's not even close to comparable.

>Accuse of "(((parasitism)))": (all the checks)

We're getting there

>Dehumanize: (libtard, commie, shitskin, sweeping generalizations)

Never heard shitskin outside of legitimately racist circles. Citation needed.

Apart from that, those are insults. Not even close to being the same. This is a newspaper suggesting men should not be allowed to vote. Apples and oranges much?

Oh and look at that, Trump is a virus? Now we're 1:1, the NS people used that exact comparison (vermin, bacillus, virus et al) for the jews.

>Condone violence against them: /r/Physical_Removal

A 7000 sub subreddit about people hitting back? Well then I guess I'll concede, that's the overwhelming majority. Oh wait, Trump got some 63 million votes so those 7000 aren't even .012%. Even if I would accept your premise (which I don't), that's one out of 8350 people. Let's go to some leftist college campus like Berkeley and ask there how many of them would be okay with trump supporters getting beaten up - wanna bet it's slightly more than 1/8350?

>So what's the deal?

I guess that?

>Are we into some deep-level human nature victim mentality stuff, here?

No, we're in some "one side is salty they lost the election, now they're stirring up the exact kind of shit they're constantly accusing the other side of" stuff and here's the problem: this is not going to be the 1789 revolution where the glorious people win and drag the evil king to the guillotine, this is going to end up like 1832.

>humans have an affinity for underdog stories.

Bullets don't, and that's the issue.

>Maybe it's just a glitch in our pattern recognition. Law of Fives kinda stuff. The harder you look for something, the more likely you are to find it (even if it isn't, strictly speaking, true).

Or maybe we're slowly coming to the conclusion that intolerance must not be tolerated. The hilarious part being that those accusing of intolerance and those expressing intolerance are not as far apart as they'd like.

u/RamblinRambo3 · 9 pointsr/uncensorednews

> So, genuinely curious, do you have any historical proof for these claims?

Easy reading: http://www.rense.com/general69/invo.htm

If you just want to watch and not read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAb4DLVZOW8

More in depth jew propaganda: https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Slaves-Slave-Trade-Reappraisals/dp/0814726380
The other perspective: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Relationship-Between-Blacks-Second/dp/B003XJTE8E

If you want to be extra lazy: https://i.imgur.com/M6k4SBc.jpg

And there's a hell of a lot more if you start to read up on it.

u/clytemnextra · 1 pointr/uncensorednews

Europe is a great example, of course. Behind the iron curtain, communists imposed atheism (sometimes by imprisoning and torturing clergy to death), Christmas became "the Festival of Lights", discussing the theological part of philosophy became taboo, etc. Result: destruction of cohesion, collapse in national pride (not that there was much left to be proud of, and pride itself was outlawed for being 'nationalist'), promotion of paedophilia - actively at that, the Green party in Germany had adults diddling children to 'explore their sexuality' as part of kindergarten education, and overall the exploitation of people became easier because people are just animals, right? Fuck 'em, no big deal, nothing sacred about human life. Of course the former communists states have largely learnt their lesson, they're far more Christian than western Europe.

Western Europe, by the by, is a cultural mess. It's in full swing of demographic collapse, collapse in cohesion/trust among citizens, the past (including the Christian part of it) is something to be ashamed of so good-bye national pride, and with it personal pride (education is down-stream from this, because you can't teach the truth if the truth would result in a resurgence of pride; the education system is in consequence an absolute mess of political correctness and worshipping of the multiculti model). Gay marriage is a-ok, and what do we see pop up? Movements promoting the legalization of paedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia! Yay, doesn't that sound familiar!

The US is the same. MENA is the same too, Christianity first rose to prominence there before spreading to Europe, then they were conquered and forcibly converted to Islam: one guess as to what that did for the region's progress.

There isn't a lot of research on this, because researchers are afraid of being shunned for saying it (and they are), but Christian communities have:

  • better cohesion/trust between members

  • lower rates of mental diseases, particularly of depression and anxiety

  • lower rates of alcoholism and drug abuse

  • lower rates of violent crime

  • greater satisfaction in marriage between couples (which leads to more emotionally healthy children, which by extension leads to that low criminality and alcoholism)

  • greater longevity, because people look after each other (especially within a long and stable marriage)

  • Christians are also highly involved in charity and health treatment, to a degree waaaay higher than atheists; most medieval hospitals were Church-founded and led, and many still are religious institutions today

  • lower rates of mutilation of children needless to say; traditionally Christian Europe never developed the barbaric practice of circumcising baby boys, to say nothing of female genital mutilation (and please don't try to argue the US is a "Christian" country; it never has been and sure as fuck isn't now)

  • Universities developed in Europe under the patronage of the Church. US colleges are largely "secular" and if you live in the US... I don't need to tell you what the culture there is like right now, it's pathetic and regressive

    And much more. I'll leave you some sources for this and others, if you'll care to inform yourself about this phenomenon further (some might seem unrelated but brave through them, they all touch on this topic):

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9dcXOGD3fo
  2. http://www.omp.org.pl/stareomp/scruton_tot_ang_ang.html
  3. https://newrepublic.com/article/120379/german-green-party-pedophilia-scandal
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Wn0J0eC6I
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/ways-with-words/10178109/Christians-deserve-respect-says-Melvyn-Bragg.html
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4
  7. https://www.amazon.com/Church-Market-Catholic-Defense-Economics/dp/0739110365/
  8. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1443871303/
  9. http://baylorisr.org/wp-content/uploads/levin_religion_mental_health.pdf
  10. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3512217?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  11. http://s3.amazonaws.com/thf_media/2003/pdf/Bookofcharts.pdf
  12. http://public.psych.iastate.edu/ccutrona/psych592a/articles/Sexual%20infidelity%20in%20women.pdf
  13. https://www.oecd.org/dev/pgd/46840032.pdf
  14. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40959036?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  15. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Scott_Schieman/publication/286179196_Religion_and_Mental_Health/links/56eff02608ae52f8ad7f8373.pdf
  16. http://www.mrctv.org/blog/swedish-youth-party-wants-incest-and-necrophilia-legalized
  17. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27512816?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

    (for the science journals, if you're not particularly inclined toward research, just scroll down to the "Discussion" or the "Conclusion" section where they summarise their findings)
u/TlZONA · 2 pointsr/uncensorednews

Hi again, I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but the author does do more than just post a video and add a transcript. He does, in fact, contribute the following opinions. The first is above the video and transcript:

> I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That’s why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it’s ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

This he writes below the video and the transcript:

> If you still believe Islam is a “religion of peace,” perhaps you are just being willingly ignorant and blind about the matter. Thankfully, at least the State Department took the steps to designate open Islamic jihadi cleric Anjum Choudary as a global terrorist. Now, let’s see if President Donald Trump will make good on the promise to advance the bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror group.

That sounds like an fresh opinion which has generated a lot of discussion to me. Again, I ask you to please reconsider reinstating it. Whatever you decide, cheers.